iPhone Photography Classes: Tutorials and Handouts
Below is a list of Tutorial Links and some videos to augment the iPhone Photography Classes I am teaching at the Green Valley, Arizona Camera Club.
For 2020, I am splitting the class into two classes: 1. Taking good pictures on your iPhone, 2. Editing and Organizing your photos. There was just too much to cover in one class. I will be team teaching the iPhone Photography classes with Holly Chorba.
Scroll Down for embedded Video Tutorials.
For 2020, I am splitting the class into two classes: 1. Taking good pictures on your iPhone, 2. Editing and Organizing your photos. There was just too much to cover in one class. I will be team teaching the iPhone Photography classes with Holly Chorba.
Scroll Down for embedded Video Tutorials.
Single Session classes at Green Valley Camera Club
iPhone and iPad Photo Editing and Organizing: January 31, 2020, 1:30 - 3:30 PM iPhone Photography: Ready, Set, Go - Take Good Pictures: February 21, 2020, 1:30 - 3:30 PM 10 Week Series: iPhone Photography: Ready, Set, Go February 19, 20, 22, 2020 iPhone Photography: Ready, Set, Go - Take Good Pictures: February 27, 7:00 - 9:00 PM iPhone and iPad Photo Editing and Organizing: February 28, 2020, 1:30 - 3:30 PM iPhone and iPad Photo Editing and Organizing: March 5, 2020, 7:00 - 8:30 PM If you are attending a class, please print a copy of the handout to bring with you. |
Field Trip
On-Site Smartphone Assistance: Open to members of the iPhone Photography classes. Led by Grace Pitzer & Holly Chorba Wednesday, March 4, 9:00 AM Desert Meadows Park Meet at the park Registration Opens Feb. 18 Field Trip Work Sheet |
I was the Speaker Series Guest,
Nov. 2020. View on YouTube I taught part of a 10 Week Class, February, 2021 View on YouTube |
Recommended Additional Camera and Editing Apps
Techniques for Shooting Great Photos
Everything New with the Photos App in iOS 13
iPhone 11 Pro Review - Are the Cameras REALLY that good?
This is an 11 minute video that is worth the time. It covers the basics and some interesting tips in using your iPhone Camera.
SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive: How to backup iPhone and iPad on USB, made easy
SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive for iPhone and iPad (Good info, but old QVC add)
External Storage on iOS 13 & iPadOS: Everything You Need To Know
How to use USB flash drives with an iPhone (iOS 13)